Queen's Concurrent Education: Overview

Written by Stephanie Pugh and Matthew Tran
Queen's Concurrent Education is a five-year + one-summer-term curriculum that prepares high school graduates to become educators and apply for certification from the Ontario College of Teachers.
Because most other Ontario colleges of education deliver their degrees over 6 years with traditional fall/winter semesters, Queen’s graduates get out into the workforce a year early!
Are you inspired to become an educator? Do you want to know more about Queen's Con-Ed? Continue reading and we’ll give you the details about this superb program!
Why Choose Con-Ed Queens?
From day one, you'll be working on two degrees at the same time with Queen's Con-Ed: an Honours Bachelor of Arts, Science, Fine Art, or Music, and a Bachelor of Education degree.
The Queen's B.Ed. the degree is highly recognized for teacher certification in Canada and across the world!
The fact that all Queen's graduates will have a focus in one academic area makes them more employable.
Program Highlights:
- Candidates complete 18 weeks of placements in Year 5 in addition to placements in Years 1, 2, and 3. This includes a three-week alternative practicum that can be completed anywhere in the globe as long as it is connected to the curriculum!
- Education-related travel outside of Canada for alternate practicum placements is supported by travel scholarships.
- In Year 5, you can select a focus, such as Teaching At-Risk Children and Adolescents, International Education, Exceptional Learners, Assessment and Evaluation, and so on.
- You have the option of applying to a Program Track. Indigenous Teacher Education, Artist in Community Education, Outdoor Experiential Education, and Primary-Junior French as a Second Language are among the programme tracks.
Teaching Subjects Offered:
Candidates in the Intermediate-Senior program option can choose from two of the following subjects to specialize in:
- Dramatic Arts
- English
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies
- French as a Second Language
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music – Instrumental
- Music – Vocal
- Science – Biology
- Science – Chemistry
- Science – Physics
- Visual Arts
Queens Con-Ed Admission Requirements
Excited about Con-Ed at Queen’s? Below are the requirements you must meet in before you apply:
Ontario Secondary School Requirements:
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
- Students must have a minimum of ENG4U and five additional 4U/M courses
Queen's Con-Ed Program Requirements:
Selection is based on applicants' academic standing. Prerequisite courses are the same as those for entrance into the undergraduate degree program you are applying to at Queen’s. See:
Applications for the Indigenous Teacher Education, Artist in Community Education, Outdoor and Experiential Education, and Primary-Junior French as a Second Language program that may be taken in final year are accepted in December of year 4.
For additional information about admission requirements to these programs, see:
- Artist in Community Education
- Indigenous Teacher Education
- Outdoor and Experiential Education
- Primary-Junior French as a Second Language
For information regarding admission, please contact Student Services.
Admission Average:
The overall minimum admission average for all direct-entry undergraduate applicants to Queen’s University is 80%. However, we highly recommend aiming for a 90% average for your admission; this is because this average is more competitive and will help you secure your spot at Queen’s above other applicants!
The admission process can be confusing for entering students! Want to know How to Apply to Queens? Check out our blog here!
How Much Will Queen’s Con-Ed Cost?
Queen's Student Awards provides charts with guidelines for costs that Concurrent Students may incur, including education and basic living expenses. The amount it costs to attend Queen's will depend somewhat on the choices you make, which will affect your budget (such as where your extended practicum and/or alternative practicum is located).
For information on financial assistance please contact Queen's Student Awards.
There are plenty of ways to help make your education more affordable.
- Students can start applying for scholarships at Queen’s once they receive their Student Numbers and get access to the Student Center.
Make sure to check out these scholarships, awards, and bursaries!
- Major Admission Awards
- Admission Bursaries
- Automatic Admission Scholarships
- Government Student Assistance
- Queen's Work Study Program
- General Bursaries
- Upper-Year Scholarships
- Student Line of Credit through financial institutions
- Athletic Financial Awards
Looking For More Support?
Countless students have benefited from GrantMe's financial support in the form of scholarships, and other student services allowing them to attend their first-choice school.
If you’d like to know more about how GrantMe can support your goal of getting into Con-Ed at Queen’s, start by taking our quiz to see if you qualify!
- Additionally, if you’d like to learn more information about how to get into Queen’s University, you can read our blog about it here!