Western University: Engineering Admission Average

Written by Arry Pandher and Stephanie Pugh
Looking to know what Western's Engineering Admission Average is? You've come to the right place! Western University is a large university with a selective acceptance rate! For students who entered Western University in the 2021-2022 academic year, the university had an acceptance rate of 31%.
This means that for every 100 applicants, 31 were admitted and 69 received rejection letters. Almost all admitted students had standardized test scores that were above average.
If you want to study at Western University for Engineering, then it is important to understand the acceptance rate, as it is worth a lot of consideration before you apply for admission.
Admission Average for Western Engineering
You will need above-average high school grades to get into Western University. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Western University was 3.42 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily students with an 80% average are accepted and ultimately attend.
However, the admission average is higher for Engineering students.
For entry into first-year Engineering in 2017, offers of admission were extended to those Ontario high school students who achieved a mid-year average in the mid to high 80's in the final round of offers in May.
- TIP: Our advice for a competitive average, and a higher chance of acceptance, is to aim for a 90% average and above!
Your admission average will be calculated based on six Grade 12 courses including the five Grade 12 pre-requisites required for admission to Engineering.
Prerequisites Required for Western Engineering
Current Ontario Secondary School Students (OUAC 101) seeking admission to Western Engineering for the upcoming year must have the following required courses:
- English (ENG4U)
- Chemistry (SCH4U)
- Physics (SPH4U)
- Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
- Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)
and one additional 4U or 4M level course for a total of 6 courses.
All Other Undergraduate Applicants (OUAC 105) seeking admission to Western Engineering, please click here for requirements.
From these courses, you must have a GPA in the mid-high 80s in order to qualify for Western Engineering admission! However, please note that your average does not guarantee your acceptance — Western will also look at your supplementary materials.
The Engineering program has an optional, but highly recommended, Engineering CONNECT Profile for you to submit and better your chances at acceptance.
We encourage you to complete your CONNECT profile! It is an optional form that allows you to connect your leadership skills, creativity, passion for science, technology, engineering and math and your extra-curricular activities to your grades. It provides Western Engineering with additional information about yourself that can be used to elevate your application for admission!
Want Support to Get Into Western Engineering?
If you feel you’re a great candidate to study at Western Engineering, GrantMe has helped countless students get admitted into their dream schools. If you’d like to know more about how GrantMe can support your goal of getting into Western, start by taking our quiz to see if you qualify!